Monday, June 23, 2008

Inspiring Stories of those the Lord has Touched

Just a place for some of those inspirational stories we all get my email from time to time.


Marge said...

Just a few thoughts about receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit. (sorry if this isn't quite what you expected :)

When I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, I was very hungry for more of God. Period. I really wasn't too concerned about tongues, at the time. All I knew was that I needed God's help, and I needed it NOW! (sorry again, about not having the right focus?) At any rate, my life was in a mess. I was an utter failure, in life, and in my late 20's. Something had to give! So, that was my "mentality" at the time. Isn't it great that God answers prayer, even though we aren't always in the right position to receive? I went to the front, and had hands laid on me, and immediately I was slain in the Holy Spirit. I was on the floor for approximately 20 min. When I got up, I knew my emotions were healed, and I was filled with the Holy Spirit, and delivered! What a deal! I did speak a few words in my heavenly language. But, here's the "inspiriational story," you've been waiting for, LOL!

And that is: tongues could be compared with buying a pair of running shoes. (okay, don't be offended) Sure you get the "tongues" with the shoe, BUT there IS WAY MORE! SOOOO much more, I can't even begin to describe the knowledge that you are full of God's great love. Oh, and did I mention that as humans we tend to leak? So, we need to KEEP being filled up with the Holy Spirit, also.

Okay, now we're ready for some inspirational stories. And I know we all have a few, amen?


Marge said...

An additional thought about the gift of tongues today. Because praying in tongues is also a refreshing to your spirit. And also a rest.
It's been impressed upon me, especially, this summer, going thru a few very hot days. Like a cup of cold water is to your body, praying in our heavenly language is to our spirit. Praise God!